Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Village Health Volunteers in Using the Web-Based Health Screening Innovations for Older Persons
screening for capacity decline in elderly, technology acceptance, village health volunteers, web-based systemAbstract
This present study employed mixed methods research to investigate factors affecting the village health volunteers’ acceptance in using web-based health screening innovation among older persons in the community. The World Health Organization Integrated Care for Older People (WHO: ICOPE) helped frame the nine-domain screening tool of elderly dependency prevention. Quantitative research was conducted in 116 village health volunteers (VHVs) of the Phetchabun municipality family doctor clinic using questionnaire exploring factors affecting the acceptance of information technology (IT) use at village level. Selected 15 VHVs and supervisors participated in qualitative focus group discussions. Multiple linear regression was used to find factors affecting the acceptance of VHVs in using the technology.
The significant influencing factors (p-value < 0.05) included expectation on efficiency from IT use, support from supervisors, experiences and behavior of IT use. The peer pressure was an important influence for first time users. The qualities of information and report system and the supervisor guidance were the positive reinforcements for further usage.
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