Policy Recommendations for Legislative Changes to Facilitate Health Promotion and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention in Working Population


  • Chathaya Wongrathanandha Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University
  • Sumonmarn Singha National Health Foundation


policy recommendation, workplace health promotion, non-communicable disease, working population


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are important health problems in working population. Workplace health promotion (WHP) plays a crucial role in reaching this group; therefore, the measures to promote WHP need exploration. This study aimed to review literature and explore stakeholders’ perspective to synthesize policy recommendations. The mixed method research was used, including literature review and stakeholder interview by Delphi technique. Results revealed 5 major issues: 1) policy, laws, and regulations, 2) behavioral economics and social theory, 3) data system and application supporting lifestyle modification (LSM), 4) personal data protection laws, and 5) WHP package comparison. This paper explored policy, laws, and regulations in details. Fifteen stakeholders representing the Ministry of Labor, employers and employees were interviewed twice. The opportunities to improve WHP through policy and legislations were listed: 1) health insurance scheme, especially the social security scheme (SSS), 2) welfare and quality of life 3) control, diagnosis and compensation for work-related illness or injury, and 4) control of NCD risk factors in workplace. Stakeholders agreed upon most of the proposed amendments, except reducing the allowed working hours. These changes needed merely ministerial level  amendments. Recommendations: Legislative amendments to improve WHP were proposed: 1) include LSM consultation in the essential health benefit package, 2) register the workplace first aid room in the SSS provider list with payment schedule, 3) define health promoting environment in workplace as welfare at workplace, 4) retrain the first aid room health personnel to be capable in giving LSM consultation, 5) extend the role of workplace safety committee to cover WHP, and 6) specify diseases from long working hours as the work-related or occupational diseases eligible for compensation.


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How to Cite

Wongrathanandha C, Singha S. Policy Recommendations for Legislative Changes to Facilitate Health Promotion and Non-Communicable Disease Prevention in Working Population. J Health Syst Res [internet]. 2023 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];17(4):660-83. available from: https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/j_hsr/article/view/2419



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