Nursing Care of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Including Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetic Nephropathy : A Case Study


  • Rungthip Attasook Jainad Narendra Hospital


Diabetes mellitus type 2, Hypertension, Diabetic nephropathy, Dyslipidemia


Nursing care plays a vital approach that nurses may use to promote self-management support for persons with diabetes mellitus type 2, accompanied by co-morbidities and complications. The purpose of this case study is to support patients’ families in exhibiting appropriate self-care. This study addressed a case presentation of patients with type 2 diabetes with co-morbidities and complications. The snowball sampling was purposively selected according to the 5-color ball tool (5-5-5 DM-HT Chainat Model) and then divided into case studies with 1 sample in the nursing care process for patients of 5 steps, including assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. 

Results revealed that the patient was a 48-year-old Thai adult woman who had a past medical history of diabetes for nine years, hypertension with dyslipidemia for six years, and was diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy just over an early year ago, as well as received treatment on 14 July 2023 to 25 October 2023 at the diabetes clinic of Jainat Narendra Hospital, total period of care of 104 days, with chief complaint of headache and dizziness for one day ago. The nursing diagnosis using Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern were 1) Risks for hypertensive complications because of deficient knowledge about hypertensive management. 2)Hyperglycemia from ineffective blood sugar control. 3) Risks for uremia because of decreased renal function. 4) Risks for myocardial infarction because of dyslipidemia. 5) Risks for foot ulcer because of peripheral neurovascular dysfunction and 6) Anxiety about illness and treatment among patients and relatives.

The nursing care process encouraged the patients to learn about the impacts and complications of diabetes, for instance, hyperglycemia, hypertensive crisis, uremia, and foot ulcers, to develop skills for self-management and solve problems that cause anxiety.


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How to Cite

Attasook R. Nursing Care of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Including Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, and Diabetic Nephropathy : A Case Study. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):138-51. available from:



Research report