A Causal Relationship Model for Diabetes Prevention and Control Performance among Village Health Volunteers Phauyuha Khiri, Nakhon Sawan Province
Prevention and Control Diabetes, Village Health VolunteerAbstract
This is a mixed method research. The objectives of this research were to study the performance of diabetes prevention and control; the relationship of efficacy beliefs, outcome expectancies, and social support with the performance of diabetes prevention and control and to create guidelines for diabetes prevention and control performance among village health volunteers. The sample population was 400 village health volunteers. The data were collected during August 2020 - September 2022 by questionnaires and focus group included 30 village health volunteers. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics include by Chi-Square Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.
The results of this research showed that most samples were female, with primary education, mainly worked as agriculturists, with sufficient economic status but no savings, aged 56.60 years on average, with an average monthly income of 9,743.50 baht, with years’ experience as village health volunteers of 18.44 years, with high perceived efficacy beliefs, support from public health officers, cooperation of associate networks and performances with their roles but medium outcome expectancies of diabetes prevention and control. The perceived age, efficacy, working period, efficacy beliefs, outcome expectancies, support from public health officers, and cooperation of associate networks were significantly related to the performance of diabetes prevention and control. For the factors with effects on, it was found that perceived efficacy beliefs, outcome expectancies, and support from public health officers could forecast performance in accordance with diabetes prevention and control in village health volunteers at 26.00%. It was found that perceived support from public health officers had the maximum forecasting weight of 0.56, followed by efficacy beliefs (0.39), and efficacy beliefs (0.23). The guidelines for diabetes prevention and control performance among Village Health Volunteers, the public health officers must develop the efficiency of volunteers by asking diabetes specialized volunteers for job instruction and for suggesting them to be equally confident in their efficacy beliefs, practice professional experience at Tambon health promoting hospital, adequate materials and equipment support such as operational diary, behavior change record form, blood sugar tester. Promote participation in the work such as diabetes screening and behavior modification, and promote various network partners to participate.
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