The Adaptation of Family Caregivers with End of Life Care Male Inpatient Selaphum Hospital, Roi Et Province
This research aims to develop an adaptation model for caregiving relatives of terminal chronic disease patients in the male inpatient ward at Selaphum Hospital. It is action research. It is divided into 3 phases 1) Analyze the problem situation, 2) Develop a model of care and apply it, and 3) Evaluation. The primary target group of the study consisted of 30 caregivers and a multidisciplinary team of 26 people. The research instruments were 1) General information form of caregiver relatives, 2) Adaptation assessment form of caregiving relatives, 3) Group discussion form, 4) In-depth interview form, 5) Medical record examination form, and 6) Nursing plans to promote the adaptation of caregiving relatives of terminal patients. Data were analyzed by number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent samples t-test, and content analysis.
Research results in 1) In the problem analysis phase of caregiving relatives for terminal chronic disease patients, it was found that there was stress in caring for patients, a lack of knowledge and skills in continuously taking care of patients. And they worry about increasing costs so causing problems in adaptation. From assessing the adaptation of caregiving relatives, overall adaptation is moderate (= 2.80, SD=0.19), and when divided by the side that has the least adaptability is self-concept. (
= 2.63, SD=0.24) 2) The results of the development of an adaptation model for caregiving relatives of terminal chronic disease patients must include the model development committee as a multidisciplinary team. The relatives adaptive model has conducted four sessions 1) adjustment assessment of relatives, 2) counseling and empowerment, 3) education and problem-solving skills training, and 4) follow-up visits by telephone. 3) Evaluating the results of the model development, it was found that caregiving relatives for terminal patients after being promoted to adapt had a better adaptation score according to the set goal (
= 3.55, SD=0.13) because it was an education, practice problem-solving skills, counseling, and empowerment for caregiving relatives to be able to make independent decisions and self-control and have critical reflections
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