Nursing care of stroke patients in community: Case study 2 case
Stroke is a common threat, causing life-threatening and also causing disability. Therefore, nurses should develop guidelines for nursing stroke patients in the community. Focus on educating patients and relatives at home, working with health provider and coordinating care with other health facilities to refer patients to appropriate care. Promote and monitor health conditions at both family and community levels. Reduce disability Reduce complications and reduce mortality Patients and caregivers accept the condition of illness to be able to continue living. Good quality of life. This research aims to compare nursing stroke patients in the community 2 patients study. Method : A study to compare stroke patients who continued to care in communities in rural hospitals' area of responsibility. The tools used in the study include: Home visit form according to in HOME SSS guidelines collect information from patient medical records Interviews with relatives and observations, data analysis, comparative analysis, pathology, health risk factors affecting disease, health stereotypes Signs and symptoms of treatment Nursing problems and diagnoses in the community Case study: Comparison of 2 stroke patients, 1st patient, 54-year-old Thai male, major symptoms, crooked mouth, limb weakness, right hemisphere, loss of consciousness 20 minutes before coming to the hospital, the 2nd acute ischemic stroke was diagnosed, a 71-year-old Thai female patient with significant symptoms, weakness in left limb and headache. Food dropped from the mouth when eating 2 hours before coming to the hospital, acute ischemic stroke was diagnosed.
Thisstudyshowsthatcontinuingcarein the communityofstrokepatientsisattheheartofnurses. Educating, assessing stroke symptoms and providingrehabilitationcareandregularhomevisitswillhelpreducecomplications.
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