Development of Pneumonia in Children Nursing Practice Guideline by Using Evidence based Practice, Namphong Hospital


  • Usanee Sriputta Namphong hospital


Nursing practice guideline, Evidence-based practice, Pneumonia in children


Research and development aims to study problem situations. Develop nursing practice guidelines for children pneumonia patients using empirical evidence. and evaluate the use of the guidelines. The sample consisted of two groups. Frist group was 9 professional nurses in the pediatric ward, Second group was 10 children with pneumonia, aged 1 month - 5 years, and 10 caregivers, selected specifically and expand the results by actually using them in a pediatric ward of 30 people. The research is divided into 4 phases: 1) Study the problem situation, 2) Develop guidelines according to the Soukup concept framework, 3) Try out the guidelines, and 4) Evaluate the results. The tools used in the experiment are Nursing practice guidelines for pediatric pneumonia patients using empirical evidence searched from 20 related studies. Checked for content validity by 3 experts. CVI value equal to 1. Data were collected using a feasibility assessment form and opinions on Using the guidelines Questionnaire on parents' satisfaction with nursing practices Evaluation form for parents' participation activities and a form to assess the level of knowledge of parents in caring for children with pneumonia. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Descriptive statistics Compare the severity of dyspnea and the level of knowledge of parents with Paired - sample t Test statistics.

The research results found that Nursing practice guidelines for pediatric pneumonia patients using evidence include 1) Assessment of dyspnea, 2) Nursing for symptom management, 3) Pre - crisis nursing, 4) Parental participation, 5) Discharge planning. Results of using the guidelines was found that there was a high level of feasibility and opinions towards using the guidelines. As a result, the severity of pediatric asthma score decreased significantly (P<.01). Parents were satisfied and involved in caring for pediatric patients at a high level. After receiving the discharge planning program, parents' knowledge level increased significantly (P<.01). The results of the study indicated that the guidelines were appropriate for the context. Can actually be used Patients had a decrease in the severity of their dyspnea. The results should be continuously extended to apply to all children pneumonia patients and applies to agencies with similar contexts at the provincial and health service area levels.


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How to Cite

Sriputta U. Development of Pneumonia in Children Nursing Practice Guideline by Using Evidence based Practice, Namphong Hospital. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Aug. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(2):58-70. available from: