Development of Home Care for Terminally Patients Supportive Don Chan Hospital Kalasin Province


  • Suyan Luangphimai Don Chan Hospital


Development of system, Palliative care, End of life


Purpose To develop a continuous palliative home care for terminally patients. supportive out-patients Don Chan Hospital with action research. The study was conducted May 2021 -September 2022. The sample of 37 multidisciplinary teams, 40 terminally patients receiving continuation of palliative care, and 40 caregivers .The research tools were satisfaction assessment form multidisciplinary team. and the satisfaction assessment of relatives caring for terminally patients to develop care for terminally  patients at home. Palliative analyze data Quantitatively, descriptive statistics used. The qualitative method of content. 1) The results of the situation and problems care of terminally patients were 60% terminally patients were male, over 60 years old, 65% had liver and bile duct cancer, 62.50% bronchial and lung cancer. 12.50 % of the problems caring for terminally patients were relatives lacking knowledge and skills caring for patients with complications. 2) The results of the development the terminally patient care  (1) The operating committee (2) Training the develop knowledge and skills for patients' relatives (3) The evaluating results of model development found that 1) a multidisciplinary team Satisfaction with the development of continuation of palliative care, end of life at home. supportive at a very high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.59, SD = 0.49). Satisfaction with the development of continuation of palliative care, end of life at home. supportive very high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.52, SD=0.50)


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How to Cite

Luangphimai S. Development of Home Care for Terminally Patients Supportive Don Chan Hospital Kalasin Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(1):44-53. available from:



Research report