Development of Fast Track Service System for Patients with Stroke Kamalasia Hospital and Service Network
Fast lane system, Stroke, Service networkAbstract
The purpose of this research is to develop a rapid channel service system for stroke patients, Kamala Sai Hospital and service network. It is action research. Co-authors of the research include: Stroke patients, caregivers and related caregivers.The research was conducted between July 2021 and December 2022, conducted in 3 phases: 1) situation analysis, 2) service system development, and 3) evaluation. Data collection tools include patient data logging. Assessment of compliance with patient care and referral guidelines Group discussion interviews and patient and caregiver interviews Analyze data with frequency, percentage, average, and content analysis.
Research results in. The situational analysis phase encountered service problems in both the process and the results. The service development phase has three development phases: 1) fast access to fast-track services, 2) patient screening, 3) patient care processes, 4) development of patient care and referral practices, and 5) patient monitoring. evaluation It was found that service personnel were following guidelines for patient care and referral. 100% of patients who arrived at the hospital within 180 minutes showed an average of 175 minutes of symptom-to-hospital visitation, an average initial assessment of 5.00 minutes, an average electrocardiogram of 6.67 minutes, preparation for referral to the host hospital after initial medical treatment averaged 9.42 minutes, including an average total duration from first-time reception to referral of 29.50 minutes. The results of the study suggest that the improved fast lane service system provides patients with fast and standardized care.
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