Development of Care and Nursing Models for COVID-19 Patients in Home Quarantine at Kae Dam District


  • Sumit Chinpukdee Kaedam Hospital


care, nursing for COVID-19 patients, home quarantine


This research aims to develop a care and nursing model for COVID-19 patients in home quarantine at Kae Dam District. This action research consisted of 1) studying the problem 2) developing a plan to solve problems 3) bringing the problem-solving process into practice 4) evaluating the development. The study target group consisted of 3 groups: 1) COVID-19 patients in home quarantine 485 persons 2) the informant group 3) the brainstorming group 15 persons. Research tools included a medical record review form, a satisfaction questionnaire, a COVID-19 patients' practice questionnaire, an in-depth interview form, a focus group discussion form, a workshop record form, and an observation form. The analysis of quantitative data used descriptive statistics. The study of qualitative data used content analysis. The results of this study were: 1. Situations and problems in the care and nursing of COVID-19 patients in home quarantine at Kae Dam district found that 1) Problems with the practice of COVID-19 patients were lack of self-care, lack of knowledge about the use of antiviral drugs and use of medical equipment, arrangement of the place and the home environment for quarantine was inappropriate, stress, and anxiety. 2) Problems of medical personnel were stress, anxiety, insufficient rest, and lack of clear guidelines for patient care. These impacted on risk of infection from the operation. 3) Management problems found that lack of coordination at the departmental level, lack of planning on medical equipment, personnel, and resources, and lack of continuity in preparing the homes and places of quarantine patients. 2. Development of care and nursing models for COVID-19 patients in home quarantine at Kae Dam District consisted of management and nursing systems, health personnel arrangement, organization of care services, preparation of operational guidelines, and organizing a patient follow-up assessment system. 3. The results of the model development found that COVID-19 patients in home quarantine received care and nursing at a high level of satisfaction (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.08, SD = 0.33), practice of COVID-19 patients in home quarantine at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.80, SD = 0.30) and the service behavior of medical personnel found that the signs and symptoms of the patients were able to be assessed correctly, the accommodation of the patient and the preparation of equipment for the assessment were correct according to the criteria. In addition, there is coordination and care for the patients accurately and quickly.


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How to Cite

Chinpukdee S. Development of Care and Nursing Models for COVID-19 Patients in Home Quarantine at Kae Dam District. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];2(2):6-21. available from:



Research report