Development of the ARI Clinic service model, 3P Safety, in Na Dun Hospital Na Dun District, Maha Sarakham Province
Development model, ARI Clinic, 3P safetyAbstract
The purpose of this research is to develop the ARI Clinic service model, 3P Safety. It was action research, select a specific target group consisting of Doctors, Pharmacists, Registered Nurses, Medical Technologies, 20 people, caregivers or patients infected with COVID-19, 100 people, study period March – October 2022. Data collection tools were in-depth interviews, knowledge tests, Checklist ARI assessments and satisfaction assessments, Quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics, Qualitative data analysis used content analysis.
The research found that:
1) Problems in the provision of nursing services at ARI Clinic found that the service points and restrooms did not pass the evaluation criteria. There are no signs giving directions to the ARI Clinic. Causing service recipients to receive delayed service. Moreover, there is no clear guideline for ARI Clinic services from the evaluation of the satisfaction of service recipients. There is a low score level. In terms of access to services that are convenient, fast, and in time.
2) Troubleshooting has been done as discovered using the 3P safety as follows: (1) Building management (P1=Place) has constructed the ARI service building and restrooms to be separated from the general building. (2) Public relations or communication (P2=Promote) Post clearly visible signs at service points. Including dividing service zones for each activity to prevent the spread of infection. (3) Providing services (P3=Product) by organizing the One Stop Service.
3) The results of the evaluation found that (1) building management passed the criteria 100 percent. (2) Public relations or communication to clearly display service point signs. Including dividing service zones for each activity to prevent the spread of infection. No risk reports were found from finding service points and no infected persons were found from ARI service points. (3) Evaluation of the satisfaction of service recipients at ARI Clinic had the highest level of satisfaction (= 4.69, SD = 0.43). (4) The results of the evaluation of the knowledge of personnel providing ARI Clinic services found that scores after providing knowledge in providing ARI Clinic services were higher than before providing knowledge. Statistically significant at the .001 level.
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