The Effects of Self - Management Promotion Program Using Telenursing on Stroke Prevention Behaviors in Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patients
ความดันโลหิตสูง, การจัดการตนเอง, พฤติกรรมการป้องกันโรคหลอดเลือดสมอง, การพยาบาลทางไกลAbstract
Objectives : To study the effects of Self - Management promotion program using telenursing on stroke prevention behaviors in uncontrolled hypertensive patients.
Design : An experimental research, two group pretest-posttest design, was conducted in this study.
Methodology : The sample consisted of 60 uncontrolled hypertensive patients who were followed up at the hypertension outpatient clinic in the Wapipathum Hospital, Mahasarakram Province. The patients were chosen and assigned to the experimental and the control groups using a simple random sampling method, 30 patients each. The experimental group received the Self - Management promotion program using telenursing and the control group received a usual care and 12-week follow-up period. The instrument for collecting data was the Stroke Prevention Behaviors questionnaire, with reliability of .86. The statistics used for analyzing data were frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and paired t-test
Results : The results found that after intervention, the experimental group had a mean score of stroke prevention behaviors statistically significantly higher than the control group (t = 4.01, P <. 05) and higher than before intervention (t = 6.74, P <. 05).
Recommendation : Health care teams should apply this program in uncontrolled hypertensive patients to perform appropriate behaviors to prevent stroke.
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