Development Knowledge and Skills in Basic Life Support 4 Steps of People in the Community of Hua Dong Subdistrict, Na Dun District, Mahasarakham Province
Development knowledge, life support skills, basic life support 4 stepsAbstract
This research is an action research, the purpose is to study The development knowledge and skills in basic life support 4 steps of people in the community of Hua Dong Subdistrict. The target group for the study is general public in Hua Dong Subdistrict, 400 people. The research period is January – June 2023. Data were collected using a resuscitation knowledge test, Resuscitation skills assessment form, Satisfaction assessment form, Quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics, Qualitative data analysis used content analysis.
The results of the research found that:
1. The problem is that people lack of knowledge about basic life support. It was found that (1) The general public does not receive training in life support, this results in a lack of knowledge and skills to save lives. (2) There are limitations due to budget, to organize training and provide knowledge to the general public.
2. Development knowledge and skills of basic life support 4 steps for people in Hua Dong Subdistrict community. The steps are as follows: 1) Build a training team. 2) Organize training of basic life support 4 steps for use with the target group. Training duration 3 hours/time.
3. Assessment of knowledge and skills basic life support 4-steps of the people had the average score of knowledge and skills in basic life support after the experiment. Higher than before the experiment statistically significant .001. And in the satisfaction assessment results, it was found that the training format and practical teaching, have the highest level of satisfaction.
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