Development of a Nursing Model for Stroke Patients Na Dun Hospital Mahasarakham Province
Stroke, Development Model, Nursing ModelAbstract
This research is an action research, the purpose is to Development of a Nursing Model for Stroke Patients Na Dun Hospital. The study was conducted between October 2023 – March 2024. Divide the research into 4 phases: Phase 1: Analysis of problem situations and needs. Phase 2: Development of the model. Phase 3: Trial use of the model, and Phase 4: evaluation of the use of the model. The target group for the study consists of 1) service providers, including 12 registered nurses. 2) The group of service recipients is 25 stroke patients, selected purposively. The tools used to collect data include: 1) General data recording form. 2) Knowledge test form. 3) Satisfaction assessment form, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and differences were compared using statistics paired t-tests.
The results of the research found that: 1) Nursing Model for stroke patients this time It focuses on caring for stroke patients admitted to the Accident and Emergency, Na Dun Hospital. To receive complete care and actions that have been reviewed. The use of empirical evidence has resulted in this research having guidelines including: Assessment and screening, Reassessment, Nursing Practice, Nursing Model while transferring patients, and Assessment of results. 2) The effectiveness of the Nursing Model for stroke patients consists of registered nursing knowledge. It was found that the development had a significantly higher knowledge score than before the development at the .01 level, and the satisfaction level of registered nurses. Overall satisfaction is at the highest level.
The results of development a Nursing Model for stroke patients has good results. Resulting in reducing the incidence of delayed patient separation, or the transfer of the patient was delayed, and stroke patients received additional treatment with blood thinners.
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