Model of Colorectal Cancer Management in Network Hospitals, Maha Sarakham Province
Management, Colorectal Cancer, Health service networkAbstract
This research is an action research. The objectives are to study the context of colorectal cancer management, develop the health service system management process, and study the success factors in the development of colorectal cancer health service system management of the Mahasarakham Provincial Health Service Network. The study was divided into 4 phases, from September 2022 to September 2024. The sample group was purposively selected. Group 1 was the Health Service System Development Committee (Service Plan), Cancer Branch, Mahasarakham Province, totaling 26 people, and Group 2 was the person responsible for cancer work in public health agencies in Mahasarakham Province, totaling 193 people. The research instrument was a research questionnaire. The reliability value was 0.89. The data were analyzed using Paired t-test statistics.
The results of the research found that the colorectal cancer health service system management process of the Mahasarakham Health Service Network had 7 steps of operation. The roles of participation and satisfaction in the form were at a moderate level before and at a high level after, which had a statistically significant increase from before the development. The success factors were the 3Ps of colorectal cancer health service system management. Public health agencies must promote health service networks. Active screening was carried out in the risk group. Screening and re-diagnosis were performed using a risk assessment form for colon and rectal cancer.
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