Develop a Traditional Thai Medical service Model for Caring for Stroke Patients During The Rehabilitation Period with the Participation of NongKhu Subdistrict Community Network, NaDun District, MahaSarakham Province
Develop a model, Stroke, Traditional Thai MedicalAbstract
This study employed action research with the objective of develop a traditional thai medical service model for caring for stroke patients during the rehabilitation period with the participation of NongKhu Subdistrict community network, Na Dun District, MahaSarakham Province. The population and sample were purposively selected into two groups: 1)a group participating in the development of a primary care model for rehabilitation, consisting of a multidisciplinary team and caregivers (30participants), and 2) a group of 15 stroke patients in the rehabilitation phase. The study was conducted from January to September 2023. The research tools included a personal information record form, a quality of life assessment form, and the Barthel Activity of Daily Living Index (ADL) assessment form. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis for qualitative data and descriptive statistics for quantitative data.
The study results revealed the following model of Thai traditional medical services for stroke rehabilitation developed with community network participation: 1) Enhancing information transfer between health-promoting hospitals and the community to provide prompt patient services. 2) Developing caregiver competencies to support patient care in the community, emphasizing exercise, meditation, and emotional regulation. 3) Creating individual care plans. 4) Coordinating with and obtaining support from local administrative organizations. 5) Conducting home visits as follows : (1) Community network partners twice per week. (2)Thai traditional medicine practitioners and health-promoting hospitals once per week. (3) Multidisciplinary teams: once per month.
The development resulted in faster information transfer, ensuring continuous care for patients. All patients showed improvement in their ADL scores. The quality of life of stroke patients was assessed at a moderate level ( = 2.94, SD = 0.77). Patient and caregiver satisfaction with the care model was rated at the highest level.
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