Develop a Format for Reporting Laboratory test Results in Urgent cases, Nadun Hospital, Mahasarakham Province


  • Pornthiwa Chaisongkram Nadun Hospital


Development, Medical Laboratory, Urgent


This research is an action research study aimed at developing a reporting model for urgent laboratory test results at Na dun Hospital, Mahasarakham Province. The study targeted two groups: (1) a group of 30 emergency patients requiring urgent laboratory medical test reports and (2) a group of 20 individuals involved in developing the urgent laboratory test reporting model. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. Data collection tools included in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, laboratory test report forms, and satisfaction evaluation forms. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed using statistical methods, including frequency, percentage, and mean.


1.Problem Analysis of Urgent Laboratory Test Result Reporting : Challenges identified included multiple steps in the laboratory test submission process, complexity in data recording, lack of review of laboratory information system (LIS) usage, and an increase in laboratory test submissions due to a high volume of patients requiring services.

2.Development of the Reporting Model for Urgent Laboratory Test Results, including : 1) Reviewing and improving the use of the LIS. 2) Clearly categorizing different types of laboratory test request forms. 3) Creating informational materials to promote medical laboratory services. 4) Reporting of laboratory test results in urgent patients: CBC, Electrolyte, Top-T within 30 minutes and BUN/Creatinine within 45 minutes.

3. Evaluation Results:The percentage of urgent test results reported within 30 minutes for CBC, Electrolytes, and Troponin-T tests was 93.3%, 93.3%, and 100%, respectively, while BUN/Creatinine test results were reported within 45 minutes at a rate of 90%. 2)Staff satisfaction with the new reporting model was at the highest level ( = 4.51, SD = 0.32).


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How to Cite

Chaisongkram P. Develop a Format for Reporting Laboratory test Results in Urgent cases, Nadun Hospital, Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(3):109-18. available from: