The Assessment Form of Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Weaning
Intra-aortic Balloon Pump, Acute coronary syndrome, cardiogenic shockAbstract
The purpose of this research was to create an assessment form for intra-aortic balloon pump weaning (IABP weaning). The study conducted between October 1, 2022 and July 30, 2024. The development process comprised four phases 1) organizing a multidisciplinary team meeting to design a care guideline, 2) Enhancing personnel capacity, 3) Creating an IABP weaning assessment form that includes participation. The IABP weaning assessment form was used for a total of 30 samples. 4) The tools utilized for data collection consist of general demographic information, IABP Weaning Assessment Form .Analyze quantitative data by using frequency, percentages and means
Results: It was found that 1) Providing care to patients using IABP support does not meet the standard of care., the care personnel are both experienced and diverse. 2) The development of the Assessment Form for IABP weaning has identified 15 research papers. Data has been synthesized and extracted, and the feasibility of using empirical evidence in this development has been evaluated. The assessment of IABP weaning includes 12 nursing activities. 3) As a result of the assessment, it was determined that 29 cases (96.67%) were successful. Five cases of bleeding were found, constituting 16.67%, and there were four cases of hematoma, representing 13.33%. No acute limb ischemia was observed. This assessment tool effectively identified complications early.
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