Development and Evaluation of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines for Postoperative Pain Management in Maternity After Cesarean Section Kamalasai Hospital
Pain Management, Clinical Nursing Practice, Mother After Cesarean SectionAbstract
This study is Action Research . The objective was to create and assess clinical nursing guidelines for the management of pain in mothers following cesarean section, Kamalasai Hospital Kalasin. The period of data collection was January 2024 to May 2024. The clinical guideline development procedure guidelines from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council were used in the investigation. There were three phases in the process. The sample group consisted of 10 professional nurses. An experiment was conducted using nursing guidelines for 30 cesarean mothers. The instruments utilized were the following: 1) a feasibility questionnaire for nurses to use the guidelines; 2) a questionnaire for nurses' feasibility to use the guidelines; 3) a satisfaction questionnaire for nurses to use the guidelines; and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire for cesarean section mothers regarding pain management. Three specialists have verified the content validity of these tools to assess their quality. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The following are the study's findings: 1) There are five themes covered in clinical nursing practice recommendations for managing surgical pain in moms following a cesarean section: preoperative preparation, postoperative pain assessment, medication use for pain management, non-drug pain management, and pain management monitoring and recording. 2) The feasibility of using the clinical nursing guidelines for pain management from surgery in mothers after cesarean section was overall high level ( = 4.15, SD = 0.41). 3) Following the use of the nursing guidelines, nurses expressed a high level of satisfaction ( = 4.27, SD = 0.45). 4) Mothers' satisfaction following cesarean section after following nursing recommendations was high ( = 4.22, SD = 0.34). 5) Twenty-five post-cesarean mothers (83.33 percent) with pain scores less than the postoperative pain cutoff point 24 hours later received pain management according to nursing guidelines.
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