Results of the System Development for Tracking Surplus Morphine in Terminally Ill Patients Na Dun Hospital Maha Sarakham Province
Morphine, Terminally ill patients, Drug tracking systemAbstract
This study was an action research project aimed at developing a tracking system for unused morphine in terminally ill patients at Na Dun Hospital. The study population included 20 multidisciplinary team members and 30 terminally ill patients, selected by purposive sampling. The research was conducted between October 2022 and July 2024. Research tools included the IN HOME SSS record form, satisfaction evaluation form, medical record review logs, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed using percentage statistics and content analysis.
1. The analysis of issues related to tracking unused morphine in terminally ill patients revealed several problems: management of unused medication after patient death, adverse drug reactions, appropriate timing of administration, and morphine toxicity.
2. The development of the tracking system at Na Dun Hospital included six components: (1) control of unused morphine storage, (2) standardized morphine dispensing, (3) effective morphine use in terminally ill patients, (4)a follow-up system for drug use outcomes, (5) patient data management regarding morphine use, and (6) the development of the "Nadundrug Line Official" application.
3. The evaluation indicated two iterative development cycles, resulting in effective tracking and recovery of unused morphine worth 12,861.69 THB. The recovered morphine was redistributed to other patients. Additionally, the multidisciplinary team expressed the highest level of satisfaction with the developed model ( = 4.70, SD = 0.14)
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