Factors Related to the Behavior of Receiving Cervical Cancer Screening Services of Women in the Responsible Area of Khwao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital


  • Pennipa Chumnanborirak Khwao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital
  • Pechsak Uthainil Khwao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital


Correlated factors, Behavior, Cervical cancer


This research is a cross-sectional survey research to study the factors that correlate with the behaviors of women receiving cervical cancer screening services in the responsible area of the Khwao Health Promoting Hospital. The study sample consisted of 300 women aged 30-60 years old who had or had never been examined for cervical cancer in the area of responsibility of Khwao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital, selected by simple random sampling. Research tools include: Cervical Cancer Knowledge Quiz, Attitude assessment form for receiving cervical cancer screening services, Behavioral assessment form for receiving cervical cancer screening services. The reliability of the tool was 0.78, 0.82, 0.84, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The research found that 1) The study sample age between 50 - 60 years 49 percent Marital status 80.70 percent Education level are elementary school 46.40 percent Most of them have a career in agriculture 66.30 percent and earn less than 5,000 baht / month 55.30 percent Most of them have been examined for uterine cancer 2 times 58.30%. 2) Level of know about cervical cancer Have moderate knowledge 52.30%. 3) Attitudes of receiving cervical cancer screening services Have a good level of attitude    (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.20, S.D=0.50). 4) Behavior of cervical cancer screening services in a good level, 64.70%. 5) The relationship between cervical cancer screening Knowledge of cervical cancer and attitudes of receiving cervical cancer screening services There was a correlation with the behavior of receiving cervical cancer screening services. Statistically significant at the 0.05. Information obtained from this research.The information obtained can be used by relevant health authorities as a guide to addressing the problem of alcohol use in the area.


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How to Cite

Chumnanborirak P, Uthainil P. Factors Related to the Behavior of Receiving Cervical Cancer Screening Services of Women in the Responsible Area of Khwao Sub-district Health Promoting Hospital. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2022 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];2(2):59-70. available from: https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJNHS/article/view/27



Research report