The Effectiveness of Exercise Program using Elastic Board and Makha Mong Seed Massage feet for older adults in Moeiwadi District, Roi Et Province
program effectiveness, exercise, elderlyAbstract
This one group pretest – posttest study aimed to evaluate The effectiveness of exercise program using elastic board and Makha Mong seed massage feet for older adults in Moeiwadi District, Roi Et Province. Forty Participants, aged 60-79 years old. Sample group received the five-week exercise program. Data collection used questionnaires to general information inquiry form, physical fitness test and satisfaction interview at before and after the delivery of the program. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and t- test for dependent samples. The study indicated that seniors in the sample group seems to be satisfied with the new equipment in the aspects of the experimental group was satisfied with Innovation does not harm others and size of the elastic board and Makha Mong seed massage feet. The results indicated that seniors in sample group had significantly in scores of physical fitness test between before and after participating in the activities was different (p <0.001) This successful result from this study should be extended to apply to the elderly in other areas for effectiveness and appropriate with the study group and the study further should be increased the duration for the effectiveness of elastic board and Makha Mong seed massage feet for older adults.
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