Nursing Care of Retinal Detachment Surgery: Case study 2 case


  • Supaporn Suprawitchayanon Mahasarakham Hospital


Nursing care, Retinal Detachment Surgery


Retinal Detachment is a common ophthalmological disease. This causes increased visual impairment up to blindness. Restrictions on lifestyle affect the family, society, and the economy.  Objective: To study the comparison of nursing care of patients with retinal detachment undergoing Pars Plana Vitrectomy with Membrane peeling with Fluid Gas Exchange with Endo laser with Silicone Oil.  Method: A study comparing patients with retinal detachment undergoing surgery at OPD eye an eye ward. Mahasarakham Hospital 2 patients. The tools used in the study consisted of Collecting information from patient medical records. Interviews with relatives and observations, data analysis, comparative analysis, and pathology. Symptoms and signs, treatment Problems and diagnosis in nursing, as well as distribution planning.

Results: Case Study: Comparison Case 1: Thai female patient, 38 years old, with major symptoms, Left eye blurred 4 months before coming to the hospital Diagnosed with Tractional Retinal Detachment Left eye Case 2 Thai female patient, 55 years old, major symptoms Blurred right eye 1 year before coming to the hospital Diagnosed with Tractional Retinal Detachment with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Right eye. From this study, it was found that after nursing a patient with retinal detachment who had surgery while hospitalized, the patient was diagnosed with retinal detachment. By providing nursing care according to a holistic nursing process and D-METHOD discharge planning, patients can take care of themselves appropriately and be safe from complications. 

Conclusion: Nurses should develop guidelines for caring for retinal detachment patients who have undergone surgery. Focus on educating patients about how to behave pre-post operation and discharge to help keep patients safe. Ability to see better and have a better quality of life.


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How to Cite

Suprawitchayanon S. Nursing Care of Retinal Detachment Surgery: Case study 2 case. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):35-48. available from: