Development of Care for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Diabetes Clinic, Nadun Hospital
Development model, To take Care, Type 2 DiabetesAbstract
The objective of this research was to development of care for patients with type 2 diabetes patients in diabetes clinic. It is action research divided into 4 stages: planning, operating, observing and reflecting on performance. Participants in the study include: Doctors, Registered Nurses, Pharmacists, Nutritionists 10 Physical Therapists and 10 Diabetic Patients by select a specific one. Research tools include diabetes self-care behavior assessment, diabetic knowledge assessment, in-depth interviews, group discussions, quantitative data analysis using statistics. percentage, mean, standard deviation, and compare using analyze qualitative data using content analytics.
The results of the research were as follows:
- Problems and obstacles of Type 2 Diabetes patients in Diabetes Clinics found that the working process of caring for diabetics is unclear. Lack of coordination of multidisciplinary teams, as well as lack of continuous development of skills and knowledge in diabetes care. And people still lack proper knowledge and understanding about diabetes.
- The model of care for Type 2 Diabetes patients in the Diabetes Clinic consists of 1) having an implementation committee, 2) developing guidelines for health care for Type 2 Diabetes patients, 3) training and educating personnel in caring for Diabetes patients, 4) having a monitoring system.
- The evaluation showed that the satisfaction of patients who came to receive the service. It is not complicated, easy to understand ( = 4.17, SD = 0.37). Fat, sodium, decreased consumption and comparative results of self-care knowledge Post-education was statistically significantly higher than pre-education at .001.
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