Developing and Implementing Evaluation of Neonatal Jaundice Assessment Practice Guidelines, Kae Dam Hospital, Mahasarakham Province


  • Issara Anurit Kae Dam Hospital
  • Tawikarn Ruksuanjik Kae Dam Hospital
  • Wanraya Soybudda Kae Dam Hospital


Jaundice, Develop guidelines, Neonatal Jaundice


The purpose of this research is to Developing and Implementing Evaluation of Neonatal Jaundice Assessment Practice Guidelines, Kae Dam Hospital, Mahasarakham Province. This research is an action research divided into 4 phases: 1) analyze the problem situation, 2) develop a care model, 3) test the use of the model, 4) evaluate the results. The main target group for the study was professional nurses who came to work at the maternity building for 6 jaundice and postpartum mothers. There were 40 people who gave birth at Kae Dam Hospital. Research tools include maternal and infant data recording forms, assessment of compliance with guidelines for evaluating jaundice, Satisfaction questionnaire regarding the use of the guidelines, knowledge test, and mothers' satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis using numbers, percentages, means, standard deviations. and content analysis.

Research results: 1)Situation analysis phase for evaluating jaundice in newborns in Kae Dam Hospital. It was found that nursing practice was not in the same direction. not continuous, sustainable Lack of encouragement for mothers to participate. 2)Model development period Organized a team to develop guidelines for evaluating jaundice at Kae Dam Hospital. Improving guidelines Training to develop the potential of nursing personnel. 3) Model trial period Apply the model to the neonatal patient building. 4) Evaluation period found that after using the guidelines for evaluating jaundice. There is a decrease in fetal jaundice in first-time mothers. There was 95 percent compliance with the guidelines.Therefore, the developed guidelines can be used to assess hyperbilirubinemia accurately and quickly. The number of infants requiring phototherapy has decreased. The mother has enough milk. Suitable for implementing guidelines in agencies that care for jaundice.


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How to Cite

Anurit I, Ruksuanjik T, Soybudda W. Developing and Implementing Evaluation of Neonatal Jaundice Assessment Practice Guidelines, Kae Dam Hospital, Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):106-18. available from: