Development of Fast Track Service System for Patients with Stroke of Emergency Room at Kaedam Hospital, Mahasarakham Provice


  • Nawarat Bunnan Kaedam Hospital
  • Oratai Soraserd Kaedam Hospital
  • Nalintip Homkajon Kaedam Hospital


Fast Track Service System, Stroke


The method conduct research, an action research.Co-operators include: Stroke patients, patient caregivers, and related service personnel conducted the research between October 2022 and September 2023. It was conducted in 3 phases: 1) study the situation. 2) develop a model for the fast-track care for stroke patients. 3) Evaluate data collection tools, Including patient and caregiver interview questions, Group discussion questions, Nursing knowledge tests, Screening stroke patients, care and referrals form, Evaluate compliance with the form for Screening stroke patients, care and referrals, Quantitative data analysis using descriptive statistics including the number Percentages, Averages, and Qualitative analysis using content analysis.

The Results, found that the expressway model for care for stroke patients in the Emergency Accident Room at Kae Dam Hospital consists of: 1) There is a committee to develop the stroke branch service system. 2) There are guidelines for caring for stroke patients. 3) There is a system for screening stroke patients entering the express lane. 4) Patient care process. 5) There is a system for consulting the host hospital and referrals after using the expressway model for care for stroke patients in the emergency room. It was found that the average time from the patient to the hospital until the time Forward Within a period of 30 minutes, an increase from fiscal year 2022 of 53.44 percent in fiscal year 2023 to 100 percent.The average total time from patient arrival at the hospital to transfer has decreased from Fiscal year 2022 The average duration is 35.32 minutes in fiscal year 2023. The average duration is 24.85 minutes.

Conclude, The results of this research show that the development of the developed fast-track model helps patients receive care quickly and in a standardized manner.


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How to Cite

Bunnan N, Soraserd O, Homkajon N. Development of Fast Track Service System for Patients with Stroke of Emergency Room at Kaedam Hospital, Mahasarakham Provice. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):386-95. available from: