Nursing care of Patients with Heart Block with Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Case study


  • Jarinya Hongkanjanagul Khon Kaen Hospital


Heart Block, Permanent pacemaker


Introduction : Heart Block is a disorder of the heart that life-threatening it’s from conducted electricity from the upper heart cannot pass through the lower heart. The patients may have died, if not resolved in a timely manner. Nurses were have and importance role for assist patients to accept and a good quality of life.

Objective : To study the main of  Nursing care  of  Patients with Heart  Block  with  permanent cardiac pacemaker .

Method : Case study with 2 cases of Patients diagnosed Heart  Block and  permanent cardiac pacemaker implantation  were assessed  and  nursing  diagnosed.

Result : The main of nursing care in these 2 critically ill patients included 1) decrease cardiac  output 2) impaired gaseous exchange 3) pain from External pacemaker 4)complication from insert a permanent pacemaker 5)hypomagnesium 6) hypo potassium7) pale 8) Infection 9) Patients and family  stressful about after inserted permanent pacemaker  10) decreased activity tolerance  and 11) Patients lack knowledgeThese patients  recovered well and were discharge from the hospital.         

 Application : Early warning signs are used at outpatient screening points. So that patients can receive timely diagnosis and help.


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How to Cite

Hongkanjanagul J. Nursing care of Patients with Heart Block with Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Case study. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):405-1. available from: