Development of outpatient care service model Coronavirus disease 2019 after the transition is a local disease Chiang Yuen Hospital Mahasarakham Province
Service model, Coronavirus 2019, Endemic diseaseAbstract
This research is an action research. The objective is to develop a model for outpatient care services. Coronavirus disease 2019 after transitioning to endemic disease Chiang Yuen Hospital Maha Sarakham Province Study satisfaction and behavior of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 receiving care After the transition to endemic disease and to study the situation and problems in screening COVID-19 patients at ARI clinics after the transition to endemic disease. in Chiang Yuen Hospital It is action research (Action Research) divided into 4 phases: 1) preparation phase 2) Planning and development 3) Putting the problem solving process into practice 4) Evaluation phase By evaluating the results of the model development .The population and sample were divided into 2 groups: 1) a sample group of 30 people planning to develop the model; 2) a group of COVID-19 patients, a sample size of 400 people. The research tools included a medical record review form. Group discussion form, interview form, in-depth form, Covid-19 patient triage record form, observation form, questionnaire Satisfaction of COVID-19 service recipients and COVID-19 service recipients' behavior questionnaire, data analysis using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research results were found from analyzing the problem situation by collecting data from medical records of COVID-19 patients. After the transition to endemic disease during the period 1 July 2022 - 30 April 2023 in Chiang Yuen District, Maha Sarakham Province, it was found that 1,808 COVID-19 patients died, 2 people died, with the area with the greatest outbreak being Chiang Yuen Subdistrict, 465 people, 25.7 percent, followed by Ku Thong Subdistrict, 232 people, 12.8 percent. The most sick age range is 30-59 years, 797 people, 40.08 percent, followed by those aged 60 years and over, 466 people, 100. 25.77 each found a problem in screening, namely the number of patients receiving services at ARI Clinic has increased, with most of them being in groups. and the location is not enough Number of officers There are not enough places to provide screening. Not consistent with the situation and lack of readiness of the place, equipment, and tools. Has developed a service model for outpatient care Coronavirus disease 2019 after transitioning to endemic disease Satisfaction level of COVID-19 patients Continuing the services of Chiang Yuen Hospital In the period after the transition to endemic disease Overall, the sample group had a high level of satisfaction. The average is 4.48. Level of conduct. COVID-19 service recipients transition period to endemic disease Chiang Yuen Hospital The overall picture is at a high level. The average is 4.17.
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