Model of a Behavioral Modification Model for Controlling Blood Sugar in Diabetic Patients Who Have Accumulated Blood Sugar Levels Higher than The Criteria of Ban Khokko Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital Mueangmahasarakham District Mahasarakham Provi
Behavioral Modification, Blood Sugar, DiabeticAbstract
Objective : To study the problem situation,develop and evaluate a model for changing behavior to control blood sugar in diabetic patients with accumulated blood sugar levels above the threshold.
Method : Using an action research design. The adopted model by nurses, village health volunteers, family doctors and diabetic patients. Research period: 1 October 2021 - 30 April 2022. Research tools include interviews, behavior change models,homework record form questions about perception knowledge and practice regarding diabetes. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Qualitative data used content analysis method.
Results : Analysis of the problem situation revealed that diabetic patients had their cumulative blood sugar (HbA1C) controlled according to the criteria, but it was still lower than the target criteria. Caused by consumption of starchy and sugary foods. Not being aware of complications Knowledge and understanding of food consumption is not yet comprehensive. Lack of proper exercise. There is no clear model for adjusting and monitoring patients with blood sugar levels above the threshold. Therefore, the problem was brought together to design behavior change, namely, On Wan School, 4 times, using a group process to exchange experiences and then add knowledge, give homework, record behavior, 3 A.2 S., setting goals by oneself and following up and strengthening by the team. A multidisciplinary and family doctor team evaluated the results and found that the patients who participated developed food consumption habits to control blood sugar levels better. Exercise increased 3 days/week. Stress management using meditation therapy was used by 54%. After 3 months of behavior modification, the patient's accumulated sugar in the blood ((HbA1c) decreased by 92.86% and decreased for criteria ( HbA1c < 7%) 33.33%
Conclusion: Changing the behavior of diabetic patients results from learning and setting goals for self-adjustment and planning to change behaviors that affect their own sugar levels along with self-control. Along with follow-up visits, empowerment and continuous follow-up by a team of family doctors and public health officials. Makes patients change their behavior regularly, resulting in better control of sugar levels.
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