The Development of Nursing Practice Guideline for Care Sepsis of Patients by using third early at Inpatient Department in Nadun Hospital Mahasarakham Province


  • Dueanphen Patiganang Nadun hospital
  • Pattakarn Thaoklang Nadun hospital


Development of Nursing Practice, Care model, 3E principles


Objective : To develop nursing guidelines for caring Sepsis of Patients infections using the 3E principles in inpatient.

Research methods : Research and development. The sample group consisted of 48 Sepsis of Patients from December 3, 2022 to September 30, 2023. The research process has 3 phases ; 1) Phase of studying the situation and problem conditions. 2) Phase of model development. 3) Phase of development evaluation. The tools are Patient care records, Focus group records, Medical records, Quantitative data were analyzed using Mean, Percentage, Chi-square statistics, The Mann-with-U test analyzed qualitative, Content-based data to test the effects of patient care models.

Result : Phase 1. It was found that screening of at-risk patients was diagnosed and treated later than the specified criteria. Phase 2. Using the 3E principles consisting of 1.Early screening and detection 2.Early resuscitation 3.Early referral, found that at-risk patients are not yet covered. Phase 3. After developing the model, it was found that the time period from the start of screening to diagnosis The average duration decreased with statistical significance at the .001level, which was found to decrease from 98.73 minutes to 29.71 minutes. The number of patients diagnosed and treated before going into shock is correct at the .000 level. The number of patients going into shock is more accurate at the .000level .001

Conclude : Found that using guidelines using the 3E principles can help reduce the time from screening to diagnosis and increase accuracy.



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How to Cite

Patiganang D, Thaoklang P. The Development of Nursing Practice Guideline for Care Sepsis of Patients by using third early at Inpatient Department in Nadun Hospital Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Mar. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):104-16. available from:



Research report