Long-Term Care Model for the Elderly with Dependency at Don Chan Hospital Kalasin Provice
Long-term care, Dependent elderly, Out-Patient-DepartmentAbstract
Action research to Purposes of situation developing long-term care model for the elderly are dependent Don Chan Hospital. The target group was 45 dependent elderly people with their primary caregivers. The service provider team is multidisciplinary team of 30 people. Research tools include: Daily routine assessment and satisfaction assessment Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.81 Analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean .The results found that the long-term care model for dependent elderly people divided 3 phases : the preparation phase. Carry out activities and review Satisfaction evaluation results of service team high level ( =3.98 , SD =0.629) and overall satisfaction of service recipients high level (
=3.94, SD =0.456).
Summary: Long-term care model for the dependent elderly at Don Chan Hospital. Out-Patient-Department Operate an integrated manner with interdisciplinary collaboration.
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