Outcome Of Therapeutic Hypothermia in Perinatal Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy Infant in Khon Kaen Hospital
Neonates, Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Therapeutic Hypothermia, DevelopmentAbstract
Background : Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) in Newborn is one of the neonatal emergencies requiring the immediate treatment. Nowadays, There is treatment by Therapeutic Hypothermia (TH) help to improve the outcomes for HIE.
Objective : To identify the outcomes and risk factors of TH in Perinatal HIE infant in KhonKaen Hospital.
Methods : A descriptive study was investigated in the neonatal intensive care unit at KhonKaen Hospital, Thailand from October 2018 to September 2020.
Results : A total number of 30 neonates with HIE were identified with a female than male. There were Moderate HIE 15 and Severe HIE 15. The most common neonate born in KhonKaen Hospital 17 (56.7%). There were group 1 survived and normal development neonates 13 (43.3%), group 2 survived and global delay development neonates 4 (13.4%) and group 3 dead neonates 13 (43.3%). However, The different of mode ventilator (P-value 0.007), albumin < 2.5 mg/dL (P-value 0.010) and intraventricular hemorrhage (P-value 0.005) were in three groups neonates with statistical significance.
Conclusion : Moderate or severe HIE neonates had treatment by TH higher survival rate but some neonates had abnormal development. The different of mode ventilator, albumin and intraventricular hemorrhage were affecting treatment in three groups neonates.
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