Gastric Pneumatosis in Late Preterm Small for Gestational Age Infant


  • Nachapol Taweeskulchai Neonatologist Bangkok Metropolitan Administration General Hospital (Klang Hospital)
  • Jintavaree Srisomboon Radiologist Bangkok Metropolitan Administration General Hospital (Klang Hospital)


Feeding Intolerance, Gastric pneumatosis, Late preterm, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Small for Gestational Age


Gastric Pneumatosis is defined as a presence of intramural gas in the stomach. This condition is associate with various etiologies such as noninvasive ventilation, application of gastric tube, or more severe etiology such as infection. This condition is also similar to pneumatosis intestinalis which is found in Necrotizing Enterocolitis which is a devastating condition found in premature newborn.
This case is a late preterm symmetrical small for gestational age newborn of 36 weeks. She was presented with respiratory distress which was severe enough to be indicated for noninvasive ventilation in form of CPAP. After application of CPAP, her clinical was
improved. However, later she was found to have abdominal distension and bleeding per orogastric tube. Plain film abdomen was performed and found that she had gastric distension and pneumatosis intestinalis at stomach. She was diagnosed with gastric pneumatosis and was treated with antibiotics and bowel resting. Her condition and plain film abdomen improved after treatment.


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How to Cite

Taweeskulchai, N. ., & Srisomboon, J. . (2023). Gastric Pneumatosis in Late Preterm Small for Gestational Age Infant. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 62(4), 350–355. retrieved from