The treatment outcome of infant born from syphilis-infected pregnant women at Sampran Hospital, Nakhonpathom Province
syphilis, pregnancy, congenital syphilisAbstract
Background : The situation of syphilis-infected pregnant women in Thailand had increased prevalence for the past 5 years resulted in more complications for mothers and infants. The researchers wanted to study the prevalence of the disease and treatment outcome for provide guidelines to improve the process of care.
Purpose : To study the treatment outcome of infants born from syphilis-infected mothers during pregnancy. To find the prevalence of syphilis-infected mothers and infants with congenital syphilis. Adequacy of treatment in syphilis-infected mothers during pregnancy at Sampran Hospital.
Materials and Methods : Retrospective cohort study, archived data from medical records of syphilis-infected mothers and infants born from syphilis-infected mothers delivered at Samphran Hospital from 1 January 2017 to 30 June 30 2020. All data were analysed.
Results : Prevalence of syphilis in pregnant women was 1.8%. More than 48% of infected pregnant women were teenage pregnancy. There were 79.2% of adequate penicillin regimen treatment in syphilis-infected pregnant woman. The average infant’s gestational age and infant’s weight in adequate maternal treatment group was 38.9 week and 3,036 grams, respectively compared with 36.5 week and 2,485 grams for untreated and inadequate treated syphilis-infected mothers with statistically significant (P-value <0.05). There were 10 cases of proven congenital syphilis which were detected with neurological serology disorders from cerebrospinal fluid. The prevalence of congenital syphilis was 2.4 per 1,000 births. When followed, one infant (10%) had a relapse of syphilis.
Conclusion : The prevalence of syphilis-infected mothers and congenital syphilis was likely to increase. There were 10 cases (13%) of proven congenital syphilis from both groups of treatment. 48% of them were born in adolescent mothers, so they need to educate them on contraception and prevent sexually transmitted diseases together with the need to treat syphilis during pregnancy.
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