Background: Drowning is one of the leading causes of child mortality not only in Thailand but all countries around the world.There were different factors and mortality rate in each place. Therefore, this study aimed to study the mortality rate of drowning and factors associated in children who were admitted in the hospital.
Objective: To study the mortality rate of drowning among patients who admitted to the pediatric ward, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital.
Methods: Patients who diagnosed with drowning injuries and were admitted to the pediatric ward Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital from January 2009 to December 2018. Retrospective data were collected from the medical records for analyzed.
Results: 53,198 children admitted to the pediatric ward, 180 (0.3%) were diagnosed with drowning. 18.3% were in the age of 2-2.9 years. 69.4% were male. The highest drowning rate occurred in April (17.2%). The district with the highest drowning rate was Chokchai District (10.3 persons per 100,000 population per year). Median drowning duration was 10 minutes. Most of drowning cases occurred in pond (41.1%). Before the incident, they were often not in water (50%). Sometimes drowning cases present witness (51.7%). There were 82 death cases (45.6%). Factors that affect death are time of drowning and chest compression before arriving to the hospital. Complications after drowning that affect death were organ system failure, including respiratory, central nervous, cardiovascular systems, renal, liver and blood.
Conclusion: The mortality rate of drowning is 45.6%. Factors associated with death are duration of drowning and chest compressions before arriving to the hospital
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