Neonatal Outcomes of Adolescent Mother


  • Poonyanuch Chongjaroenjai Department of Pediatrics, Maharat Nakohon Ratchasima Hospital
  • Piyawan Wattanasoontornsakul Department of Pediatrics, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital


adolescent pregnancy, preterm, neonatal outcomes, inadequate antenatal care


Background: Adolescent pregnancy has become an important worldwide health issue due to increased complications comparing with adult pregnancy. Adolescent mothers are likely to have inadequate antenatal care, preterm babies, low birth weight babiesand higher mortality rate of babies.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the incidence of preterm and neonatal outcomes in adolescent pregnancy.
Methods: This is retrospective descriptive study. Data were collected from medical record of all neonates from adolescent mother aged 10-19 years between January to December 2018 at MaharatNakhonRatchasima Hospital.
Results: A total of 752 neonates who were born in 2018, 164 (21.8%) were preterm, mean gestational age was 37.75±2.71, 166 (22.1%) were low birth weight babies, 11 (1.5%) died. Inadequate antenatal care is associated with preterm labor (P< 0.05).
Conclusion: The prevalence of preterm delivery was 21.8%. Promoting early and good quality of antenatal care is the key to prevent preterm labor. Further study is needed to compare the neonatal outcomes with adult pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Chongjaroenjai, P. ., & Wattanasoontornsakul, P. (2022). Neonatal Outcomes of Adolescent Mother. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 61(1), 57–64. retrieved from



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