Results from developing a holiday transfusion pediatric thalassemia clinic


  • Sopon Assawapalanggool Pediatric section, Mae Sot Hospital
  • Srisuda Assawapalanggool Research unit, Nursing section, Mae Sot Hospital
  • Apinya Poonprayote Pediatric nursing, Mae Sot Hospital


thalassemia, weekend, transfusion, school absence


Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the development of a holiday transfusion pediatric thalassemia clinic at Mae Sot Hospital, Thailand; established for the purpose of regular transfusion among patients without school attendance disruption.

Methods: The observational study was conducted and the interrupted time series was designed for data collection and analysis. A total of 33 patients (692 visits) were enrolled in the study periods: reference period (1 January 2019–31 July 2020) and the developing period (1 August 2020–31 July 2021). Baseline characteristics were analyzed using descriptive statistics and baseline clinical parameters were compared. McNemar’s chisquared test was performed to compared counting data, and either paired t–test or Wilcoxon matched–pairs signed–ranks test was for continuous data where appropriate. Multilevel mixed–effects linear regression was performed to estimate the effect size of repeat measured outcomes including hemoglobin, growth parameters and school absence days.

Results: Per capita percentage of height for age has increased annually by 1.4% (95%CI: 0.9%–1.9%; p <0.001) and average percentage of weight for age per capita increased annually by 2.0% (95%CI: 0.8%–3.1%; p =0.001) and average school absence day per capita decreased by 13.7 days per annum (95%CI: -14.2 to -13.3; p <0.001). However, patients’ compliance to oral administration of iron chelation increased from 42.4% to 90.9% (p=0.257). Most parents reported a high level of satisfaction regarding the holiday transfusion pediatric thalassemia clinic.

Conclusions: The development of a holiday transfusion pediatric thalassemia clinic at Mae Sot Hospital promoted growth and regular blood transfusions among its pediatric patients with thalassemia without school attendance disruption.


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How to Cite

Assawapalanggool, S., Assawapalanggool, S., & Poonprayote, A. (2023). Results from developing a holiday transfusion pediatric thalassemia clinic. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 62(3), 177–187. retrieved from



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