Predictor of Covid Pneumonia Hospitalization Among Pediatric Covid-19 Infections in Lampang Hospital


  • Kultida Pongdetudom Department of pediatrics, Lampang hospital


coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19), SAR-CoV2, pneumonia, risk factors, children


Background: Covid-19 infection is a severe infectious disease and has become a global pandemic. Although the World Health Organization has declared an end to the state of emergency, covid-19 remains a disease that requires constant vigilance, monitoring and continuous care. Because the corona 2019 virus significant health impacts on children, including the development of pneumonia in children.

Objective: To analyze the risk factors for covid pneumonia due to corona 2019 virus infection.

Method: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of covid-19 infected children aged from 1 day to 16 years old who were hospitalized in Lampang hospital from 1 May 2021 to 31 July 2022.

Results: Five hundred and ninety- two children were enrolled, of whom 141 children (23.8%) contracted covid-19 pneumonia. There were 306 male (51.69%) and 286 female (48.31%) patients. Mean age of pneumonia patients is less than non -pneumonia patients (2.1 years and 4.7 year, respectively). However, multivariate logistic regression showed significant risk factors for covid-19 pneumonia including the ages between 1 - 5 years (OR 2.36, 95%CI 1.09-5.09, p=0.029), cough (OR1.93, 95%CI 1.26-2.96, p=0.002), dyspnea (OR2.10, 95%CI1.07-4.14, p=0.031), Temperature> 39 C (OR1.87, 95%CI1.04-3.36, p=0.036),Absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) >5, 000 cells/ mm3 (OR1.75, 95%CI1.03-2.97, p=0.040), omicron (BA.1.1.529) (OR4.02, 95%CI1.53-10.56, p=0.005).

Conclusions: Most of the covid-19 infected children in this study had mild symptoms. Approximately 23.8% developed pneumonia, this was especially so in children younger than 5 years. Children who had significant risk factors should be closely monitored and cared for.


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How to Cite

Pongdetudom, K. (2023). Predictor of Covid Pneumonia Hospitalization Among Pediatric Covid-19 Infections in Lampang Hospital. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 62(3), 261–272. retrieved from



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