Sleep pattern and sleep associated problems in children with developmental and behavioral problems


  • Sija Leelathanaporn Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health


sleep pattern, sleep associated problems, preschool children, developmental and behavioral problems


Introduction: The standard sleeping time for preschool children recommended by the American Academy of Sleep medicine is 10-13 hours per night. Children with developmental and behavioral problems tend to have more sleep-related issues than general children.

Objective: To study sleep patterns and concurrent sleep associated problems in 2-6 years old children with developmental and behavioral problems.

Method: A descriptive study was conducted in 334 pediatric patients with developmental and behavioral problems who were presented at the Child Development Clinic, Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health, between June 1st and December 31st, 2020.

Results: Among 334 children with developmental and behavioral problems, 51.5%, 32.0%, and 7.8% went to bed at 20:00, 21:00, and 22:00, respectively. Forty-nine percent of children, 10.4%, and 5.2% woke up at 6:00, 5:00, and 7:00 in the morning. Regarding sleeping time, 56.6%, 33.8%, and 9% of children in our study slept for 8-10, 6-8, and 10-12 hours per night. Most children (80.2%) had sleep problems. Common sleep problems were frequent tossing and turning (40.1%), bedwetting (36.8%), sleepwalking (33.8%), night terrors (25.4%), night crying (22.5%), and difficulty falling asleep (15.6%). Numbers of sleep problems vary from 1 (26.6%), 2(21.9%), 3(16.2%), 4 (8.7%) and more than 4 problems (26.6%), respectively. Watching television/videos (76%), mobile phones/tablets using (61.7%) and storytelling without books (85.6%) were main activities before bed, however, those were unrelated to concurrent sleep associated problems. Children with delayed language development tended to have night-waking sleep problems (p value 0.041), and children with delayed motor development possibly had difficulty falling asleep (p value 0.046).

Conclusions: Children aged 2-6 years old with developmental problems have shorter sleep durations than standard recommendations and tend to experience sleep associated problems. Therefore, providing guidance on good sleep hygiene and monitoring sleep problems in children with developmental and behavioral issues is crucial.


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How to Cite

Leelathanaporn , S. (2024). Sleep pattern and sleep associated problems in children with developmental and behavioral problems. Thai Journal of Pediatrics, 63(2), 74–89. retrieved from



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