Invasive intra-abdominal basidiobolomycosis in a 9-year-old girl: A case report and literature review
invasive Basidiobolomycosis, Basidiobolomycosis, PediatricAbstract
Background: Basidiobolomycosis is a rare fungal infection that can occur in the immunocompetent hosts, typically presenting as a subcutaneous skin infection. While invasive intra-abdominal basidiobolomycosis is a rare manifestation.
Objective: We reported a patient with a right buttock mass, and the patient was then diagnosed with invasive intra-abdominal basidiobolomycosis.
Case report: A 9-year-old girl presented with a history of buttock mass, progressive enlargement of pelvic mass, and progressive clinical obstructive uropathy with increasing creatinine and oliguria. After the additional radiological and pathological examinations, the patient was diagnosed with basidiobolomycosis and treated with potassium iodide and co-trimoxazole for one year and five months combined with percutaneous urinary catheter drainage for the first few weeks. After a one-year follow-up, we found the masses had absorbed with non-recurrence of the disease. The creatinine level indicated the normal range, and the patient eventually urinated by herself.
Conclusion: The patient with invasive intra-abdominal basidiobolomycosis, manifesting as masses in the abdomen invaded nearby organs, is rare. The initial diagnosis is complicated because of the clinical was not specific.
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วีรวรรณ สุจิตรา. โรคติดเชื้อ basidiobolus ชนิดแพร่กระจาย. วารสารกุมารเวชศาสตร์ 2540 (ตุลาคม-ธันวาคม 2540): 292-296.
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