Risk factors for rabies in animals in Yang Talat District Kalasin Province during 2023-2024


  • Juthamas Bualoi Kalasin Provincial Public Health Office


Rabies, Risk factors, Yang Talat District


The purpose of this study was to study risk factors for rabies were studied. in animals in the Yang Talat District area Kalasin Province during 2023-2024 with a case-control study, analyzing descriptive epidemiological data (Descriptive Statistics) from 1 January 2024 - 20 February 2024. The study results found that From a sample of 60 people who raise dogs/cats, the majority are female. Most are aged 45 years and over. 73.33% own 1 dog/cat. 60% have protection against pets sick with rabies. By having all dogs/cats vaccinated against rabies, 85 percent have their dogs/cats vaccinated against rabies every year, 81.67, and information on behavior to prevent rabies. Have been bitten or scratched by a dog/cat in the past 6 months. 96.67% went to see a doctor when bitten/scratched by a dog/cat. 55.00% risky behavior. Being bitten or scratched by a dog/cat by entering the house/area where the animal is, 73.33%. Receiving knowledge about rabies in the past 6 months. Received 60.00% of knowledge and from analyzing the relationship of risk factors for rabies, it was found that Groups aged 45 years and over have a 4.33 times greater risk of encountering an animal with rabies compared to those aged less than 45 years (OR= 4.33, 95%CI= 1.16-13.62) and those with little knowledge. More than 8 points have a 3.28 times greater risk of encountering an animal sick with rabies compared to the group with a score of more than 8 (OR= 3.28, 95%CI= 0.95-11.75). Therefore, in order to prevent rabies It is seen that all relevant agencies should Organize development activities Create health knowledge Regarding rabies for Village health volunteers (VHVs) in the area to lead the way or convey information about Rabies can be given to people in the community.


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How to Cite

Bualoi J. Risk factors for rabies in animals in Yang Talat District Kalasin Province during 2023-2024. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):173-84. available from: https://he04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJNHS/article/view/1097



Research report