Guidelines for Emergency Care of Psychiatric Patients at high Risk of Committing Violence Through Participation of the Multidisciplinary Team and Community Network Partners Kudrang District, Mahasarakham Province


  • Piyawat Phiwruangnon Kudrang Hospital
  • Sakulrat Tongjun Kudrang Hospital


: Emergency Care of Psychiatric Patients, Violence, Participation


This research and development aims to develop and evaluate guidelines for emergency psychiatric care for patients at high risk of committing violence through the participation of multidisciplinary teams and community network partners in Kudrang District, Mahasarakham Province. Develop care guidelines in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams and relevant community network partners by application of the WHO’s Six Building Blocks of A Health System principle. Research period  August 2022 - September 202. Research tools In-depth interview question guidelines, group discussion, personal information recording form,Violent aggressive behavior assessment form,Satisfaction assessment form. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative data used content analysis method.

Research results: Guidelines for emergency care of psychiatric patients at high risk of committing violence by having the participation of the multidisciplinary team and community network partners in Kudrang District, Mahasarakham Province consists of 1) organizing a system to support the provision of care services by driving operations through the district quality of life development committee. There is support for operations from every sector. Organize a drug support system necessary equipment communication through line group channels 2) Management of an efficient care service system with screening and assessment to classify severity levels, urgent care, and creating CPG for care during incidents in the community. While in the hospital While transferring patients and preparing for discharge to the community 3) Developing the potential of hospital personnel Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital and community network partners in providing emergency psychiatric care. 4) Determining the roles and responsibilities of the multidisciplinary team and community network partners in providing emergency psychiatric care. Evaluation found that Related personnel have increased their compliance with the guidelines for post-operation care in every aspect. Multidisciplinary team and community network partners Satisfaction with the overall care guidelines was at a high level. Emergency psychiatric patients are evaluated for aggressive behavior and managed according to their urgency. Received complete treatment according to the treatment plan. For continued treatment/referral 100% and no incidences of harming oneself or others were found.


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How to Cite

Phiwruangnon P, Tongjun S. Guidelines for Emergency Care of Psychiatric Patients at high Risk of Committing Violence Through Participation of the Multidisciplinary Team and Community Network Partners Kudrang District, Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):185-98. available from:



Research report