Development of a Care System for Tuberculosis Patients Mahasarakham Province


  • Saipin Thongkam Mahasarakham Provincial Public Health Office
  • Phiraya Pinisklang Yang Sisurat Hospital
  • Kanjana Chanthanui ํYang Sisurat Hospital


Development, Care, Tuberculosis


This research aimed to development of a care system for tuberculosis patients

Mahasarakham Province. This action research was divided into four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The study duration was October 2021 – September 2022. There were 68 people involved in the study, including doctors, pharmacists, professional nurse, and public health academic who were purposively selected. The instrument used in this study was  questionnaire, group discussion, and observation. Quantitative data were analyzed by percentage, average, and standard deviation. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis. The results of this study showed.

  1. Analysis of the problems that occurred found that in each department there was a lack of coordination and discontinuity in work. Screening of new tuberculosis patients is not accurate and not comprehensive. Personnel lack experience in patient care Operational guidelines are not clear. Lack of publicizing knowledge about the disease Patients do not take medication continuously. Shortage of budget Follow-up care for patients is not continuous.
  2. Development of a system for caring for tuberculosis patients Mahasarakham Province consists of 1) developing the potential of caregivers 2) creating guidelines and guidelines for caring for patients 3) conducting patient screening and people exposed to the disease 4) Developing the potential of staff to care for patients 5) Continuing a public relations campaign about tuberculosis 6) Arranging a separate disease testing room 7) Creating a network to care for tuberculosis patients 8) Continuously follow up and evaluate patients.
  3. Evaluation found that the tuberculosis patient care system that developed Able to solve problems that. The results of the quality assessment of tuberculosis care (QTB) were achieved within the assessment criteria at 90 %. And satisfaction results for tuberculosis patients in care Satisfied at the highest level ( gif.latex?\overline{x}= 4.80, SD = 0.41)


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How to Cite

Thongkam S, Pinisklang P, Chanthanui K. Development of a Care System for Tuberculosis Patients Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2024 Apr. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];4(1):199-20. available from:



Research report