Nursing Care of Pregnant woman with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Postpartum Hemorrhage : Case study


  • Atchara Kulanuwat Uthaithani Hospital


Nursing care, Pregnant woman, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


Gestational diabetes is a common disease and increasing trend. Caused by abnormalities in the body's carbohydrate metabolism as a result of hormones produced by the placenta. It has an anti-insulin effect, which controls blood sugar levels, causing high sugar content in the blood vessel. It affects and causes complications in pregnant women and their fetus at any stage of pregnancy. Early screening for diabetes can benefit pregnant women and their fetus  in order to provide proper and appropriate treatment, which includes regular prenatal care, taking care of nutrition, blood sugar control, exercise, prevention of infection, fetal movements counting, observing symptoms of low or high blood sugar and observing abnormal symptoms that require immediate obstetrician attention. These things important for a healthy pregnant women and fetus. It also reduces complications and potential dangers.

Objective of this study is present an introduction to gestational diabetes, screening for risk groups, effects on the health of pregnant women and fetus Including guidelines for taking care of pregnant women. Nurse’s role is nursing diagnosis, practice nursing and evaluate outcomes, closely monitor nursing care so that pregnant women can delivery safely. No complications occur to pregnant women and fetus at any stage of delivery.

This case study is a 37 years old and pregnant on her 2nd time, she had received prenatal care services at Uthaithani hospital and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes class A2 and was treated with insulin injections during pregnancy. She had labour pain and came to the delivery room at Uthaithani hospital.  After being admitted in the hospital she had more frequent labour pain, normal blood sugar levels. Progression of labour is well and she could have a vaginal birth but had early postpartum hemorrhage which a complication in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. The cause was detected by poor uterine contraction and tearing of the cervix. After providing correction of postpartum hemorrhage and cervical repair stitches completed she was safe, no shock from postpartum hemorrhage, total blood loss 850 cc, total length of stay in hospital was 3 days.


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How to Cite

Kulanuwat A. Nursing Care of Pregnant woman with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Postpartum Hemorrhage : Case study. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):119-28. available from: