Nursing care of Pregnant women with Preeclampsia with Severe features With Complications: 2 case studies


  • Niracha Chinrat Mahasarakham Hospital


Pregnant women, Preeclampsia with severe feature, Complications


Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the nursing care of pregnant women with preeclampsia with severe feature with complications.

Method: Two specific cases of pregnant women who were admitted in Delivery room, Mahasarakham Hospital in 2021-2022 were compared. Functional health patterns of Gordon and inpatient medical record were reviewed. Data collection used by observation, and interviews with patients and relatives. The general information, functional health patterns, complication, signs and symptoms, treatments, nursing diagnoses, and nursing care were compared.

Result: The results of the study found that first case had chronic hypertension with pulmonary edema. she was admitted in the hospital for controlling high blood pressure and pulmonary edema by anticonvulsants and diuresis. Steroid was used to stimulate lung development of fetus in utero. The obstetrician considered to terminate pregnancy by Cesarean section. Second case had history of Preeclampsia at home.  She was admitted in the hospital for controlling high blood pressure by anticonvulsants. The obstetrician considered to terminate pregnancy by induction of labor.

Conclusion: Hypertension is a serious complication that threatens the life of the pregnant woman and their fetus. Nurses require the knowledge and skills to assess early warning indication and monitor signs and symptoms of pregnant women that has changed from normal levels. Preparing of nursing care team and instrument for assisting instantly to decrease the risks. Likewise, providing effective discharge plan can reduce the incidence of maternal and newborn death.


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How to Cite

Chinrat N. Nursing care of Pregnant women with Preeclampsia with Severe features With Complications: 2 case studies. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):129-43. available from: