Development of Nursing practice Guidelines for Rehabilitation Stroke Patients Inpatient Department Moeiwadi Hospital
Development of Nursing Practice, Rehabilitation Stroke PatientsAbstract
The objective of this study is to develop rehabilitation therapy for stroke patients. Nursing work in Moeiwadi Hospital, It is an action research divided into 3 phases 1) Development Preparation 2) Development 3) Evaluation From fiscal year 2021 to 2013, a specific group of patients with stroke or stroke has been selected according to the requirements of 48 persons. Research tools 1) Medical record form 2) Group discussion 3) Rehabilitation stroke patient clinical practice includes. Data analysis using numbers, Percentages, Means, Standard deviations and Content analysis. The results of the research were guidelines for nursing care for stroke patients during the rehabilitation period include : (1) Assessment of problems and rehabilitation needs of patients and families (2) Assessment using the Barthel ADL Index (Barthel Activity of Daily Living Index at first admission and discharge (3) Assessment of the Modified Rankin scale at first admission and discharge (4) ) Swallowing Assessment (5) Complications Assessment (6) Cognitive, Emotional, and Psychological Assessment. 2) The patient has a better ability to carry out daily activities. and the level of disability decreased and patient information is sent to allow for systematic home visits.
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