Model of Nursing Service in Emerge Surveillance During Waiting for Examination in the Outpatient Department Phayakkhaphumphisai Hospital Mahasarakham Province


  • Sungwan Vongsomsak Phayakkhaphumphisai Hospital


Nursing Service, Emerge Surveillance, During waiting for Examination


Background : Monitoring patients who are deteriorating while waiting for examination is an important aspect of nursing personnel in assessing the patient's condition and providing medical treatment assistance in order to manage risk and create safety. Harm to patients/service recipients while waiting for examination is the heart of outpatient services.

Objectives : To develop and evaluate the model of nursing service in emerging surveillance during waiting for examination in the outpatient department  Phayakkhaphumphisai Hospital Mahasarakham Province

Method : Use an action research model based on the concepts of Kemmis & Mc Taggart and develop nursing services in collaboration with the outpatient nursing team and related multidisciplinary teams. According to the concept of development, namely the concept of service quality (Service Quality) of Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1990. Research period October 2021 - September 2022. Research tools include interviews and group discussions on nursing service provision in monitoring emergencies while waiting to be examined. RCA FORM risk report form, patient information report form for deterioration Patient satisfaction assessment form Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as numbers and percentages. Qualitative data used content analysis.

Results : Model of nursing service in emerging surveillance during waiting for examination

in the outpatient department  Phayakkhaphumphisai Hospital Mahasarakham Province consists of 1) arranging a service area with a history-taking point. Appropriate screening 2) Develop competencies and skills of personnel in the form of buddies, teaching younger siblings in emergency surveillance. 3) Clear classification of patients for continuous monitoring and monitoring of symptoms. 4) Establish guidelines for prioritizing urgency in Take care of 5) continuous supervision and monitoring Evaluation found that later development The percentage of critical/emergency situations decreased. No patients died while waiting to be examined. Patients and the nursing team were at a high level of satisfaction. No complaints were found.

Conclusions : Providing nursing services to monitor emergencies while waiting to be examined. that developed from participation and leading The concept of service quality (Service Quality) is used as a guideline for operations. Can create efficient services that respond quickly to care Patients receive appropriate care as needed.


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How to Cite

Vongsomsak S. Model of Nursing Service in Emerge Surveillance During Waiting for Examination in the Outpatient Department Phayakkhaphumphisai Hospital Mahasarakham Province. Acad J Nurse Health Sci [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):342-5. available from: