Development of Nursing Practice Guideline for The Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage in the First Two Hours After Giving Birth Deliver Room, Kamalasai Hospital
Postpartum hemorrhage, Labor room, Clinical nursing practice guidelinesAbstract
Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the major causes of maternal mobidity and matality wordwide. This research and development(R&D) study aimed to develop Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines (CNPG) for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in the first two hours after giving birth in labor room,Kamalasai Hospital. This study was devided into 4 phases1)Analyse 0f the problem and plan to develop the CNPG 2) Development of the CNPG 3) Implementation of the new develop CNPG 4) Evaluation phase. Sample were 2 groups: 7 registered nurses who were working in labor room and used The CNPG and 30 mothers with normal labor . The research instruments were 1) Postpartum hemorrhage assessment form , group discussion , the develop CNPG ,the CNPG observation form 2) Instrument for collect data: the outcome of using CNPG , satisfaction questionnairs of registered nurses and mother with normal labor. CNPG validity equal to 0. 90 Reliability of CNPG was teated using Cronbach ' sAlpha Coefficient equal to 0.88. The data were analysed using mean , percentage and standard deviation. The outcome evaluation found that:1) After applying the CNPG in 30 mother with normal labor there were no postpartum hemorrhage occurred during the first two hour after delivery .The registered nurses perceived feasibility and benefit of applying the CNPG for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in the first two hours after giving birth at all stages. The top three opinions on the CNPG rated by the registered nurses were content covered, clearer than the original guidelines and useful for nursing (= 4.86 SD = 0.350 ) Inconclusion, The CNPG for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in the first two hours after delivery should be implemented to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in mother with normal labor , especially for a serious complication of postpartum hemorrhage. Thus, the guideline should be improve continuous quality of nursing care in the labor room.
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