The Participation in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention and Control of Village Health Volunteers of Samutsakhon Province
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This descriptive research is aimed to study the participation in dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control of Village Health Volunteers and the relationship between personal knowledge, attitude of dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control and the participation in the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever of village health volunteers. The samples were 360 village health volunteers of Samutsakhon Province using a questionnaire method. The data were analyzed with a computer program for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient for testing the hypothesis.
The results showed that the level of knowledge and the comprehension about the dengue hemorrhagic fever of the village health volunteers of Samutsakhon Province Remained were excellent (X = 12.8), the attitude was good (X = 4.3) and the overall participation in the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever was in a satisfactory level (X = 4.1). By considering each aspect, the beneficiaries was the most outstanding (X = 4.2). About the relationship between the knowledge, attitude of the participation in the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever, it was found that the knowledge was not associated with the participation in the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever at p value of 0.05. On the contrary, the overall attitude was associated with the prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever with the statistical significance at the p value level 0.01. Focus on each aspect of the attitude, only the planning decisions and the beneficiaries contributed the role affecting such association with a statistical significance, p value 0.01
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