The Percentage of Hemoglobin A2 in the Participants with Hemoglobin E
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Objective: To quantify the percentage of hemoglobin A2 in the participants with Hb E trait and Hb E disease and to compare them with that of the normal participants. Participants and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Medicine, Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital recruiting the consecutive healthy participants who were tested for CBC and Hb analysis using the Sebia capillary zone electrophoresis method and the participants would be classified into the normal, Hb E trait and Hb E disease groups. The Hb E traits with Hb concentration < 12 g% for females and < 13 g% for males and Hb E disease with Hb concentration < 10 g% were excluded. The mean Hb A2 concentrations of Hb E disease, Hb E trait and the normal groups were compared and analyzed with the ANOVA and un-paired student-T tests and p value less than 0.05 would be considered statistically significant. Results: From 30 participants with Hb E disease, 30 Hb E traits and 30 normal, mean Hb A2 concentrations were found to be 5.72+0.59% in Hb E diseasewhich was significantly higher than 4.07+0.43 % of Hb E trait (p <0.001) and 2.63+0.27% of the normal group by the ANOVA method. Likewise, mean Hb A2 concentration in Hb E traits was also sigficantly higher than that of the normal (p <0.001) by the un-paired student-T test. Conclusion: The mean Hb A2 concentration in Hb E disease is higher than that of Hb E trait whereas Hb A2 of Hb E trait is higher than that of the normal participants with statistic significance.
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